A guest from Revitalise Jubilee Lodge is drinking a cup of hot mulled wine while enjoying their day at the Hyde Park Winter Wonderland

Feedback, Compliments & Complaints

We are dedicated to continuously improving our services. Our Feedback, Compliments and Complaints Policy sets out the ways that you can tell us about your holiday experience and what you can expect if you raise a concern with us.

Our Feedback and Complaints Policy and Procedure

Scroll down to read the complete policy or click below to read a specific section of the policy.



Revitalise is a not-for-profit charity providing short breaks and holidays for disabled people.

Our work is guided by the principles of being guest centred. We know how important it is to listen and learn from the people we work with about what’s working well, and what we can do better.

Our guests and their families and friends, our customers, donors, supporters, and members of the public all have valuable perspectives and opinions about our work, so, wherever they come from, we use every compliment, complaint or piece of feedback to learn lessons and take the right action.

Receiving compliments either verbally or in writing is often associated with a great holiday experience, but it can be more difficult to know how to raise a concern or make a formal complaint. This procedure exists to ensure that people know how to raise complaints to us and can be confident about how these will be managed through to their conclusion.

Our Policy

The relationships we hold with the people we work with, be they guests, their families or friends, customers, donors, supporters or members of the public are vital to us. As in all relationships, it is natural for issues to arise and for people to want to raise their concerns as they occur or following something occurring.

When this happens, we:

Provide a formal process to be followed when issues are raised to ensure that we investigate them promptly and thoroughly.

Manage the complaint at a local level unless the nature or severity of the complaint requires an investigation at a more senior level or through an independent source.

Treat each complaint equally regardless of who raises them and undertake thorough investigations in every case.

Our Values and Behaviour

We know that when we manage complaints it isn’t all about process. Our behaviours, values and beliefs are just as important to ensure that people feel confident in our response to issues, therefore:

We are respectful of people’s right to complain, open to the learning that comes as a result, and we behave professionally throughout the process.

We ensure that complaints and their outcomes cause no harm to our enduring relationships with the complainant, or (where applicable) our guests.

We recognise that people can feel anxious about making a complaint, or the process that follows, and that professionalism, communication and reassurance are important.

We ensure that we maintain openness and accept responsibility when we get things wrong.

The Procedure

There are three stages to the complaints procedure. These are;

  • Raising a concern informally
  • Making a formal complaint
  • Investigating and responding to the complaint

Raising complaints

We encourage all our guests and their representatives to tell us quickly if they have any concerns so that we can do everything we can to resolve any difficulties or concerns as soon as possible.

We recognise that in some cases, a concern may be raised after the service has been delivered or received. Where a guest or their representative has a concern or wishes to raise as formal complaint, this can be done by contacting us by telephone, e-mail or by letter. Contact details can be found at the end of this procedure

Complaints should be submitted as soon as possible following the service being received.

When a complaint is raised at the point of occurrence, then the manager or most senior person will make every effort to resolve it immediately. Where there are found to be grounds for the complaint being raised, an apology will be made and swift remedial action will be taken to resolve the issue of concern.,

Where a formal complaint is made by telephone, the General Manager or a senior person will contact the complainant to discuss their issues of concern within no longer than 48n hours.

Where a complaint is received by email or by letter, a written acknowledgement will  be sent to the complainant within 3 working days

The acknowledgement letter will inform the complainant as to who will be managing the complaint and the timescale for responding in writing.

The investigation and response to the complaint

The complainant will receive a written response to their complaint within 28 days

The manager responsible for undertaking the investigation will make contact with the complainant to ensure that there is clarity of understanding about the complaint and the outcome that the complainant is seeking

Where the investigation is complex or cannot be completed to enable a response within 28 days, the manager will make contact with the complainant to inform them of any delay, the reasons for this, and to communicate when they expect this to be concluded.

The manager will prepare a written response to the complainant within 28 days of the complaint being received

All complaints received are subject to senior management oversight to review the completion and outcomes of investigations.

Making a complaint

If you wish to raise a concern about your stay at Jubilee Lodge, you can contact the centre in the following ways. Your concern will be passed to the General Manager or a senior manager who will contact you to discuss your concerns.

Email: complaints-jubileelodge@revitalise.org.uk

Telephone: 020 8501 2331

Address: Revitalise Jubilee Lodge Grange Farm High Road Chigwell Essex IG7 6DP

If you wish to raise a concern about your stay at Sandpipers, you can contact the centre in the following ways.

Email: complaints-sandpipers@revitalise.org.uk

Telephone: 01704 538399

Address:  Revitalise Sandpipers Fairways Southport Merseyside PR9 0LA

Discounts and Refunds

Where a complainant seeks a refund as a result of their complaint, this will only be made if it meets the criteria as set out in the Revitalise Refund policy.

A discount or goodwill gesture such as a voucher may be offered at the discretion of the General Manager as an offer of remedy and as relevant to the nature of the concern.

Unresolved Complaints

Revitalise recognise that there may be circumstances where the complainant is not satisfied with the management  of their complaint. In such cases, the complainant can refer the matter to:

The Care Quality Commission

Website www.cqc.org.uk

Email enquiries@cqc.org.uk

Address: Care Quality    Commission (CQC)

Citygate, Gallowgate Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 4PA Tel: 03000 616161

Fax: 03000 616171

Individuals have the right to raise their complaint with the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. This is a free service and individuals can contact their Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman via:

The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman

PO BOX 4771

Coventry CV4 0EH

Tel:0300 061 0614

Email: advice@lgo.org.uk

Website: https://www.lgo.org.uk/

Please use this link to download our Feedback and Complaints Policy.