Revitalise guest Angela

A Mother’s Story

Respite care at Revitalise would transform the lives of this mother and daughter from Yorkshire, who wish to remain anonymous. She has been a full-time carer for most of her adult life. She looked after her husband who unfortunately passed away. Now, she looks after her daughter due to serious brain injury. Her daughter also has epilepsy, which is extremely stressful.

Read more as the mother shares her story:

I don’t get any help because people, including family, think I am okay. I have said on many occasions, but I am not ok. I open my heart to them, which is very hard for me, but all I get back is that they don’t have time as they’ve got things of their own to worry.

I’ve seen my GP because of my body and I’ve been told it’s stress related – I’m going through menopause which I am struggling with.

“I am a strong woman from Yorkshire that’s what I like to think anyway, that I am strong. But inside I am breaking”

I love my daughter with all my heart and it breaks my heart every time I see how she struggles or it’s affected her life. The trouble she has is getting help and support – she has had next to no support even though we have been in touch with social services. My  daughter needs help getting out and about.

The cost is unbelievable and all her savings have gone in no time. What I’ve noticed more than anything about being a carer is everything, and I mean everything, is down to me and it’s so exhausting.

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Learn more about the Give me a break Appeal

Image of a disabled woman in a wheelchair looking and smiling at camera with a graphic overlay reading The Give me a break Appeal. Help us provide a lifeline to more disabled people and carers.

The Give me a break Appeal

This campaign aims to raise both regional and national awareness of the severe challenges facing disabled people and carers and calls for more to be done to provide respite funding.

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Our guest and a holiday centre volunteer having a heart to heart

Why support Give me a Break

Funding for respite break needs to be protected. Without something to look forward to, more caring relationships will break down. This isn’t just a holiday. It’s a lifeline.

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Two men in wheelchairs holding hands in Revitalise Jubilee Lodge's outdoor courtyard

Help transform our centres

We’re celebrating our 60th anniversary with the launch of a new capital appeal to renew and expand our centres so more disabled people and carers can take a place.

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