Help us protect respite funding. Learn more about our Give me a break Campaign.

Graphic image showing a man and woman cuddling and Revitalise's Give me a break campaign logo against a light blue background

The Give me a break Campaign

Revitalise’s guests and their families have been abandoned by politicians and policy makers and are at breaking point. Help us protect respite funding by supporting our Give me a break Campaign today.

Respite is a statutory right for those who need it. 

Drastic cuts to local authority funding mean that many unpaid carers are not getting any breaks. At all. 

Of the 4.7 million unpaid carers in England and Wales, only 1 in 129 are receiving respite support, which is a staggering 37% fall since 2015. Instead of a planned intervention to support the caring relationship, carers are being forced to say they cannot go on caring before respite is even offered. 

This is unacceptable and it is unlawful — it is in breach of the 2014 Care Act. 

Could you give someone a break?

So many people tell us that they haven’t had any kind of break for over a year. In 2023, we provided over £100,000 worth of funding to support breaks. But we need to do more. 

This year, we want to raise a further £100,000 to provide even more breaks to people who desperately need them. Help us reach our goal by donating today — every little bit helps. 

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About Give me a break

This campaign aims to raise both regional and national awareness of the severe challenges facing disabled people and carers and calls for more to be done to provide respite funding. 

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Man and woman as couple who are Revitalise guests

Give me a break News

To date, The Give me a break Campaign has reached 70 million people across the UK and has been featured on 6 major television stations. See all the coverage here. 

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Revitalise volunteer and guest enjoying silent disco at the centre with glowing headphones on

Support Us

Without the help of our incredible supporters and fundraisers, we wouldn’t be able to provide vital respite breaks. Discover ways to support Revitalise.

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