Help us protect respite funding. Learn more about our Give me a break Campaign.

Revitalise guest Andrew at Jubilee Lodge

Andrew’s story

Andrew has been coming to Revitalise holiday centres for at least 10 years. He’s made loads of friends over the years and they’ve kept in touch. They try to arrange to take a holiday together, but most of his friends were unable to join him this year because they just couldn’t get the funding.  

Andrew is 50 and was born with Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus. He had a wound in his left heel which would not heal and he had to have it amputated. He lives on his own and has carers who come in three times a day. His mother and two sisters help out whenever they can.  

“Everybody needs a break. My carers need a break. My family needs a break. I need a break.”

“I get a lot out of it, I like coming. I like going out, meeting other people, doing things.”

Andrew was doing voluntary work for the ambulance service before the pandemic but that came to an end. A group he belonged to also closed during Covid and has not re-opened. 

Get in touch

For more information about the aims and impact of this vital appeal and to find out how you can help, please call the Head of our Appeal, Sarah Boud on 0207 288 6876 or contact our fundraising team via

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Learn more about the Give me a break Appeal

Image of a disabled woman in a wheelchair looking and smiling at camera with a graphic overlay reading The Give me a break Appeal. Help us provide a lifeline to more disabled people and carers.

The Give me a break Appeal

This campaign aims to raise both regional and national awareness of the severe challenges facing disabled people and carers and calls for more to be done to provide respite funding.

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Our guest and a holiday centre volunteer having a heart to heart

Why support Give me a Break

Funding for respite break needs to be protected. Without something to look forward to, more caring relationships will break down. This isn’t just a holiday. It’s a lifeline.

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Two men in wheelchairs holding hands in Revitalise Jubilee Lodge's outdoor courtyard

Help transform our centres

We’re celebrating our 60th anniversary with the launch of a new capital appeal to renew and expand our centres so more disabled people and carers can take a place.

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