A woman comforting another woman in a wheelchair with a graphic overlay reading The give me a break appeal. Help us provide a lifeline to more disabled people and carers.

“It’s just endless. I feel there is no let-up, no relief. I don’t know how much longer I can go on.”

Support The Give me a break Campaign

About the Give me a break Campaign

Our founder, Joan Brander, witnessed the overwhelming isolation and frustration of disabled people and their families, with little prospect of even the briefest respite.  

She also witnessed the plight of family carers, whose devotion to their loved ones without relief was taking a devastating physical and emotional toll.  

She saw that families were in desperate need of support and,  over 60 years ago, she set about providing it. In 2014, inspired by the example of her and others, access to respite became a statutory right. 

But today we are seeing a respite crisis.

Funding for respite breaks needs to be protected. Without something to look forward to, without a break from the day to day, we’re going to see more caring relationships break down, a greater reliance on full time residential care and an increase in mental health breakdown. This isn’t just a holiday. It’s a lifeline.

Did you know?

  • Over 60% of carers surveyed had not had a break in the past year and over 25% of respondents have never had a break.  
  • Over three quarters of carers surveyed are providing more than 50 hours of care a week. 
  • 84% have experienced real time cuts to their respite funding. 
  • Only 17% are receiving social care funding for respite. 

– Results of Revitalise guest survey, 2024

Read the stories of Revitalise guests

Revitalise guest Stephen having a laugh

Stephen’s story

Fifty-year-old Stephen has Cerebral Palsy and has had thirteen breaks with us since 2009. He is cared for by his aunt who is 55 and an unpaid carer – she is not able to get funding from the local authority as she doesn’t live with him.

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Revitalise guest Yusuf with his mother at a family gathering

Yusuf’s story

Yusuf enjoys frequent respite visits to Revitalise. However, for his carer Muneeba, respite funding has been increasingly difficult to obtain. Each week, she will constantly go backwards and forwards with social services requesting the funding Yusuf needs.

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Revitalise guest Angela

A Mother’s story

This mother from Yorkshire has been a full-time carer for most of her adult life. She looked after her husband who unfortunately passed away. Now, she looks after her daughter who to serious brain injury. Her daughter also has epilepsy, which is extremely stressful.

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Could you give someone a break?

So many people tell us that they haven’t had any kind of break for over a year. In 2023, we provided over £100,000 worth of funding to support breaks. But we need to do more. 

This year, we want to raise a further £100,000 to provide even more breaks to people who desperately need them. Help us reach our goal by donating today — every little bit helps. 


Donate Now

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The Give me a break Campaign

Revitalise’s guests and their families have been abandoned by politicians and policy makers and are at breaking point. Read the latest on our groundbreaking campaign. 

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Man and woman as couple who are Revitalise guests

Give me a break News

To date, the Give me a break Campaign has reached 70 million people across the UK and has been featured on 6 major television stations. See all the coverage here.

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Revitalise volunteer and guest enjoying silent disco at the centre with glowing headphones on

Support Us

Without the help of our incredible supporters and fundraisers, we wouldn’t be able to provide vital respite breaks. However you choose to support us, your contribution makes a difference. 

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